Implementation of the Learner Centered Design method and the personality approach (Case Study: Redesigning The Interface mobile LMS Tel-U)

Penerapan metode Learner Centered Design dan pendekatan kepribadian (Studi Kasus: Desain ulang antarmuka mobile LMS Tel-U)

  • Kurniawan Malik Ibrahim Telkom University
  • Ati Suci Dian Martha Telkom University
  • Dawam Dwi Jatmiko Suwawi Telkom University
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Keywords: LMS, e-learning, mobile application, user interface, learner-centered design, personality.


The Mobile LMS Tel-U is an e-learning platform developed by Telkom University to support the learning process. However, it still requires more demand from Telkom University students. Usability evaluation was conducted on twelve students using the System Usability Scale (SUS), resulting in a score of 46.5. Interviews and observations revealed interface problems on the dashboard, material, grades, and quizzes. This study aims to redesign the mobile LMS Tel-U interface using the Learner-Centered Design  method and incorporating a personality approach by categorizing students into introverts and extroverts. Designing based on personality groups acknowledges the differences in interface design preferences and the relationship between personality and e-learning interface design. This approach yields two different interface designs, one for introverted students and one for extroverted students. The LCD method determines student needs in supporting the learning process. The redesigned interface's usability was evaluated using SUS to assess its appropriateness for students' learning needs. The study shows an average increase in usability scores of 80.4. The introverted student group achieved a usability score of 81, while the extroverted student group obtained a score of 80. Thus, the LCD method and personality approach effectively enhance the usability of distance learning applications (e-learning).


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How to Cite
Kurniawan Malik Ibrahim, Ati Suci Dian Martha, & Dawam Dwi Jatmiko Suwawi. (2023). Implementation of the Learner Centered Design method and the personality approach (Case Study: Redesigning The Interface mobile LMS Tel-U): Penerapan metode Learner Centered Design dan pendekatan kepribadian (Studi Kasus: Desain ulang antarmuka mobile LMS Tel-U). International Journal on Information and Communication Technology (IJoICT), 9(1), 57-72.
Software Engineering