Conversational Recommender System with Explanation Facility Using Semantic Reasoning

  • Nur Rahmawati Computational Science, Faculty of Informatics, Telkom University
  • zk abdurahman baizal Computational Science, Faculty of Informatics, Telkom University
  • Mahmud Imrona Universitas Telkom
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Conversational recommender system is system that provides dialogue as user guide to obtain information from the user, in order to obtain preference for products needed. This research implements conversational recommender system with knowledge-based in the smartphone domain with an explanation facility. The recommended products are obtained based on the functional requirements of the user. Therefore, this study use ontology model as a knowledge to be more flexible in finding products that is suitable with the functional requirements of the user that is by tracing a series of semantic based on relationships in order to obtain the user model. By exploiting the relationship between instances of user models, the explanation facility generated can be more natural. Our filtering method uses semantic reasoning with inference method to avoid overspecialization. The evaluation show that the performance of our recommender system with explanation facilities is more efficient than the recommendation system without explanation facility, that can be seen from the number of iterations. We also notice that our system has accuracy of 84%.


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Author Biography

Mahmud Imrona, Universitas Telkom
Fakultas Informatika


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How to Cite
Rahmawati, N., baizal, zk abdurahman, & Imrona, M. (2016). Conversational Recommender System with Explanation Facility Using Semantic Reasoning. International Journal on Information and Communication Technology (IJoICT), 2(1), 1-12.