Implementation of Dependency Parser Using Artificial Neural Network Methods

  • Nurul Izzah Telkom University
  • Moch Arif Bijaksana Telkom University
  • Arief Fatchul Huda UIN Sunan Gunung Djati
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In recent years, parsing has become very popular within the scope of NLP (Natural Language Processing) with the presence of Dependency Parser. However, almost all existing Dependency Parser do classifications based on millions of sparse indicator features. This feature is not only bad in drawing conclusions, but also significantly limits the speed of parsing so that the resulting parsing is not optimal. To overcome these problems, changing the use of sparse features becomes dense features to reduce sparsity between words. The Artificial Neural Network classification method is used to produce fast and concise parsing in the Transition-Based Dependency Parser by using 2 hyperparameters. The dataset used in this study is Arabic, Chinese, English, and Indonesian. Based on the evaluation that has been done, it shows a higher result using the second hyperparameter. In testing with English test data, the accuracy value of LAS (Labeled Attachment Score) is 80.4% and UAS (Unlabelled Attachment Score) is 83%, Then with dev data obtained an accuracy value of LAS 81.1% and UAS 83.7%, and parsing speed of 98 sentences per second (sent/s).

Keywords: Parsing, dependency parser, transition-based dependency parsing.


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How to Cite
Izzah, N., Bijaksana, M. A., & Huda, A. F. (2021). Implementation of Dependency Parser Using Artificial Neural Network Methods. Indonesia Journal on Computing (Indo-JC), 5(3), 15-22.
Computer Science